Matthew is the youngest of our three boys. He has been diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disorder Complex I and III, Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction, FTT and Glucose Intolerance. He has been through countless tests and procedures in the past 8 years . We do not know what the future holds for him, but we are going to do our best to cherish every day with him. Stay strong little man.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The weekend

Matthew has been fighing off a cold this weekend but has rested well and was a good mood. It's a welcome change from last week. He was in the worst of moods last week. He loves to go to school but he gets exhausted and very crabby when he gets home. We need to find a way that he can rest more while at school and in the afternoons.
I brought him outside this evening to take a few pictures. We didn't stay out long since the bugs were attacking us! Here are a few pictures from tonight.

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