Matthew is the youngest of our three boys. He has been diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disorder Complex I and III, Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction, FTT and Glucose Intolerance. He has been through countless tests and procedures in the past 8 years . We do not know what the future holds for him, but we are going to do our best to cherish every day with him. Stay strong little man.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Another busy weekend for us.

Yesterday, we spent most of the day cleaning up around the house. I carved Matthew's pumpkin for him. He didn't want to touch it. We took the boys trick-or-treating last night. they had a good time and got way too much candy and treats.

Today, we went to the bowling alley for an MDA Bowl-a-thon event. It was put on by the Plattsburgh Letter Carriers. Matthew started off the event by rolling the first ball.
He was is a good mood while we were there. He told jokes, walked around visiting everyone, colored pictures, and drew the winning tickets for the raffles. Despite still having new belly issues, he had a wonderful weekend. Hopefully it will continue into this week. His Birthday is this Friday. He is counting down the days until he turns 5.

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